Another article regarding technology and just good parenting. Maybe use it to set some resolutions for the new year? Family game night? Preparing a weekly meal together? Make laundry fun? Share your great parenting ideas here!
about 5 years ago, Lake Elementary
A post from Tuscaloosa Pediatrics. Classrooms cannot, nor should not, compete with the instant gratification that is provided by electronics. We hope you are monitoring your child's electronic use during the holidays. #golakepanthers
about 5 years ago, Lake Elementary
turn off electronics
From our family to yours.
about 5 years ago, Lake Elementary
Merry Christmas
Grades K, 1, and 2 with Santa and Mrs. Claus
about 5 years ago, Lake Elementary
First grade
Second grade
Grades 3, 4, and 5 with Santa and Mrs. Claus
about 5 years ago, Lake Elementary
3rd grade class
3rd grade
4th grade class
Grades 6, 7 and 8 class pictures with Santa and Mrs. Claus.
about 5 years ago, Lake Elementary
6th grade class picture
8th grade class picture
7th grade class picture
It's Friday and a minimum day. Head to school in your pajamas as it's also Pajama Day. No SPARK today, so all students need picked up at 1:00 p.m. Have a GREAT winter break! #golakepanthers
about 5 years ago, Lake Elementary
pajama day
Rehearsal is underway for tonight’s event! Doors open at 6 pm for the K-5 performance. Junior high choir and play starts at 7:30 on. #golakepanthers
about 5 years ago, Lake Elementary
Christmas trees and presents
Christmas bench
Play participants
Setting the fireplace
It's Thursday and ugly sweater day. We're so excited! It's also the day of our Christmas Program. Doors open tonight at 6:00 p.m. at Memorial Hall. See you there. #golakepanthers
about 5 years ago, Lake Elementary
ugly sweater
It's a minimum day AND Santa's helper day, also known as elves. #golakepanthers
about 5 years ago, Lake Elementary
boy and girl elves
It's Tuesday and Santa beard and hat day. Ho Ho ho. #golakepanthers
about 5 years ago, Lake Elementary
santa hat and beard
Day 77 of #studentvoice and the last week of school for 2019.
about 5 years ago, Lake Elementary
Happy Monday! It's Reindeer Day. #golakepanthers
about 5 years ago, Lake Elementary
reindeer day
Special Sunday edition. Day 76 #studentvoice
about 5 years ago, Lake Elementary
Special edition #studentvoice on a Saturday. Day 75. It’s our first actor!
about 5 years ago, Lake Elementary
#studentvoice day 74 continues with the athlete theme. Special note: Mrs. Baker is a few days behind on #studentvoice. Stay tuned for a weekend special edition.
about 5 years ago, Lake Elementary
It's Friday! And Cozy Day! And the monthly assembly! Basketball to Rec Center after lunch to play Plaza. #golakepanthers Dance tonight at Capay from 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.
about 5 years ago, Lake Elementary
Thank you to all who donated to the canned food drive. Here’s a short video of the goods on their way to local families in need. #golakepanthers
over 5 years ago, Lake Elementary
Spirit Week for Friday is Cozy Day. Wear your Panther blue with cozy pants, maybe pajama pants? That’s cozy!
over 5 years ago, Lake Elementary
Cozy days
Grinch Day was awesome. And we have a picture to prove it. #golakepanthers
over 5 years ago, Nikol Baker