Tournament play for the coveted trophies begins today. Flag football will be played at Lely Park. Volleyball will play at the Orland Rec Center. Games begin at 9:30 am. Seventh grade is hosting the concession stand inside the rec center. We hope to see you there. It’s Jersey Day at school. Bring your A-game!
about 3 years ago, Lake Elementary
It’s Red Day for Red Ribbon Week. Wear all the red you can to show your support of saying no to drugs. Minimum day dismissal at 12:15. Happy Wednesday.
about 3 years ago, Lake Elementary
red ribbon week
Spirit Week Tuesday means Hawaiian Day. 🌺 But if you’re a fourth or fifth grader, it means Panther Blue Day as they are traveling to Anderson to Hawes Farms. Either way, it’s a great day to be a Panther!
about 3 years ago, Lake Elementary
Hawes farms
Hawaiian day
It’s spirit week. Today is Crazy Hat and Crazy Socks Day. Let’s show that Panther Spirit!
about 3 years ago, Lake Elementary
spirit week
Week of October 25 - Red Ribbon Week Monday is Crazy Hat and Sock Day. Tuesday is Hawaiian Day. Wednesday is Red Ribbon Day, which means to wear as much red as you can. Thursday is Jersey Day and Friday is Halloween Costume Day. On Monday, students in grades 4-8 will participate in an online event aimed at motivating and inspiring students to be their best selves. Tuesday is a busy day. Our fourth and fifth graders will be on a field trip to Hawes Farms in Anderson. Later that afternoon at 3:30 p.m., PTO will be holding a meeting regarding the Spaghetti Feed. Mrs. Baker will be meeting with Senator Nielsen on Tuesday. She looks forward to sharing with the Lake families the outcome of this meeting. Wednesday is a minimum day with a 12:15 dismissal. Thursday and Friday we host the annual Flag Football and Volleyball tournament. This year, we will be hosting this event at the Orland Rec Center. Tournament schedules have been sent to seventh and eighth grade parents. The first game for both teams will be on Thursday at 9:30 a.m.
about 3 years ago, Lake Elementary
Message from the principal
Fundraiser follow up. Thanks to everyone who made our Bake Sale a big success. We raised $449. $200 will be sent to Greenville Little League. The remaining funds, along with school supplies, will be sent to Greenville Elementary. Way to go, Panthers. That is something to be proud of.
about 3 years ago, Lake Elementary
money raised
It’s Fri-yay! The much needed rain has arrived! Have a great weekend.
about 3 years ago, Lake Elementary
Leadership is hosting a bake sale today. All proceeds are going to Greenville Little League to help restore their playing fields lost in the Dixie Fire. It’s a great cause. Please consider sending your child to school with a dollar or two for a delicious goodie. Or just donate to help teach them about supporting others in a time of need.
about 3 years ago, Lake Elementary
bake sale
Little Farmers field trip today for grades K and 1. Dress warm!🎃
about 3 years ago, Lake Elementary
Happy Tuesday. School Board meeting today at 3:15 in the staff room.
about 3 years ago, Lake Elementary
board meeting
Tues 10/19 School board meeting @3:30p in staff room. Wed 10/20 K&1 Little Farmers, OHS FFA, 8:45 - 10:30a Minimum day 12:15 dismissal Thur 10/21 Grades 2&3 Little Farmers, OHS FFA, 8:45 - 10:30a Fri 10/22 Flag football and volleyball vs. Vina @Vina. 12:30p game times
about 3 years ago, Lake Elementary
Message from the principal
It’s Friday! Student Assembly this morning at 8:45 am. Volleyball and Football today at Plaza at 12:30. Good luck, Panthers! 🐾
about 3 years ago, Lake Elementary
7th grade volleyball game today at 3:45 pm at the Orland Rec Center vs Flournoy. Go Panthers!
about 3 years ago, Lake Elementary
Lake alumni continue to dazzle on the volleyball court. Varsity takes the win against Sutter - at times with 5 of the 6 players former Lake Panthers. Once a Panther, always a Panther. 🐾💙🐾
about 3 years ago, Lake Elementary
It’s Picture Retake Day. Be sure to let your child’s teacher know you want a retake. And a reminder to 7th grade parents: If able, please send in your concession stand donation this week. Thank you.
about 3 years ago, Lake Elementary
How do we celebrate Fall Break? By hosting a rally and playing Hungry Hippo! Way to go, Leadership Team. It was a great rally with fun and games and a great way to send off our Lake Panthers to Fall Break. Happy Fall Break everyone! Stay safe! See you back on October 11.
about 3 years ago, Lake Elementary
happy fall break
It’s a minimum day with 12:15 dismissal. Happy Wednesday!
about 3 years ago, Lake Elementary
Good evening. This is the Lake Elementary all call for the week of September 27. There will be no morning or afternoon bus route on Monday. Thank you for being flexible. Wednesday is a minimum day with dismissal at 12:15 p.m. On Friday, our Leadership group will be hosting a student rally at 2:00 p.m. The rally will kick off our Fall Break. Remember, no school the week of October 4-8. May you have a safe and happy break. We’ll see you back on campus on October 11. Good night.
about 3 years ago, Lake Elementary
Message from the principal
Happy fall! Fourth and fifth grade have an exciting day as they participate in the annual Farm Day event. Have a great day. It’s Wednesday minimum day. 12:15 dismissal.
over 3 years ago, Lake Elementary
happy fall
Happy Monday.
over 3 years ago, Lake Elementary
Monday smile