Hello! This is the weekly message for the week of August 16, 2021.
Summer Reading Program: Now that we are back in school it is time to turn in your summer reading minutes. Please print off the Reading Report and turn it into your child's teacher by Friday. Need help accessing the report? Here is a video that shows you how to print the report.
Board Meeting: The August board meeting will be held this Tuesday, August 17, at 3:15 p.m. in the Staff Room.
Minimum Day Wednesday: The dismissal time for Wednesdays is 12:15 p.m. Students will be dismissed with a lunch from Bobbi and Diane.
Pick Up Protocol: Dismissal time on full days (every day but Wednesday) is 2:55 p.m. We will soon be utilizing our parking lot area for PE, thus, we will keep the gates closed until 2:45 p.m. Please try your best not to come earlier than 2:45 as we do not want vehicles backed up on Wyo Road. If you prefer, you can park on Road N and come to campus to pick up your child. This year, you can walk onto campus to get your child from their classroom. Also, please remember to pull all the way forward in the parking lot. We are working hard to keep everyone safe and need you to help us accomplish that goal.
Every Friday is Panther Blue Friday! Students wearing Panther swag will get an otter pop on Friday. Wear that swag!
Healthy Kids: We need your help! In order for us to stay in school, we need parents to be vigilant about keeping sick kids home. We are so happy to be in school, but we can only do that if only healthy kids are sent. Please continue to monitor for COVID-19 symptoms at home. Should you suspect your child may have COVID-19, please err on the side of caution and keep him/her home. Thank you so much for your help.
Have a great week!