In February 2016, Lake Elementary submitted an application to the California Gold Ribbon Schools Program. This program is designed to honor outstanding public schools in California. Schools were selected based on their exemplary achievements in implementing state standards in priority areas. Lake Elementary was awarded this distinction in June 2016.
The application process included two parts: Part A included school information as well as a school overview in order to provide background information and context to the reviewers. Part B required a description of a model program that includes standards-based activities, projects, strategies, and practices that we adopted during the transition of state standards, and that can be replicated by other school districts. Only Part B was judged as part of the application process.
After reading Part B, you'll learn that our application outlined the positive school culture that is inherent at Lake Elementary. And is what we've come to know as LAKE - Leading the Advancement of Knowledge Everyday. You can read both Part A and B by clicking on the links below.